Thursday, May 8, 2008


What the British think is a humourous joke may be completely mystifying to people from other countries. That is why we have created this section for everyone who does find British jokes humorous (or even humorous). But you don't have to be British to view this section.

Father Christmas

I used to dress off the peg, but now my neighbours take in their washing at night.

Saliva drools O.K.

Postman: Is this letter for you? The name is smudged.
Man: No, it can't be for me, my name is Smith.

Submitted by : Joe

Avenue Road
What's wrong with the old one?

Submitted by : Joe

Villager: It was 'ere that Catherine of aragon was bitten by a mad dog.
Tourist: Tudor?
Villager: Yes, chewed 'er something 'orrible it did.

Old Lady: Do you always play by ear?
Street Musician: Yes, lady, 'ere or 'ereabouts.

What is white and furry and smells of peppermint?
A polo bear.

There has been a theft at Euro Disney. A man has been charged with taking the Mickey.

Honk your horn if you love peace and quiet.

A woman goes into an antique shop and says to the owner, "when I was in here last week I saw a big mug with a flat head that holds a lot of beer. I'd like to buy it."
"Sorry," replied the owner, but I can't sell you that."
"Why not asked the customer?"
"Because that's my husband."

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